
Aspiring Wizard
I follow the path of Power.
My life goal is complete rule over the province of Grissenwald.
My next step is to acquire magical knowledge and items.
Supernatural secrets should increase my personal potency
I am very open-minded and unscrupulous.
I tend to tap or rub my fingers together

I follow the path of Fame.
My life goal is to be known far and wide as a slayer of demons.
My next step is to do a great deed, and then spread word of it.
Supernatural secrets should enable me to perform greater feats.
I am very open-minded and foolhardy.
I tend to crack my knuckles.

I follow the path of Humanity.
My life goal is to permanently protect Duyker County from the Cursed.
My next step is to save who I can, and learn evil’s weaknesses.
Supernatural secrets should teach me how to thwart the supernatural.
I am grounded and protective.
I tend to talk inaudibly to myself.

Social Climber
I follow the path of Plenty.
My life goal is to retire wealthy with a family and land.
My next step is to show my value to the powerful.
Supernatural secrets should make me useful or give me leverage.
I am open and diplomatic.
I tend to hum folk tunes.


A pro at Herbalism and First Aid, skilled at Climbing.
A pro with one-handed slashing Swords, proficient with Bows and Spears.
Tough and Agile.

A pro at Tracking, skilled at Riding, proficient at Stealth.
A pro with one-handed slashing Swords, skilled with Bows, proficient with Spears.
Tough and Agile.

A pro at Stealth, skilled at Wrestling, proficient at Reading Body Language.
A pro with Maces, skilled with Slings.
Tough, Unlucky, and extremely Agile.

A pro at Reading and Animal Handling, skilled at Riding.
A pro with one-handed slashing Swords, proficient with Bows and Spears.
Lucky, Agile and Gorgeous.

...or create your own from scratch.